Board Letter February 2023

It has been exciting to watch the pews fill up more and more each week over the last six months.  We’ve had the chance to meet new folks and to catch up with some familiar faces (some of whom I hadn’t seen in years).  It’s also been exciting to see the consistent numbers of folks on Zoom each Sunday.  It feels like we’ve climbed to the top of a big hill and can stop (for just a moment) to catch our breath.  The UUCSW Board of Trustees has reflected on how far we’ve come in the last few years.  We’ve been able to bring Rev. Laurel on full time and we’ve ramped up a reboot of RE (Religious Exploration).  As we start back up on our walk up the hill, the Board of Trustees is thinking creatively about how to lighten workloads to avoid volunteer burnout and how to make it easier for volunteers to contribute to the UUCSW community. 

Stacy Spies, Co-Chair

UUCSW Board of Trustees