Events & Gatherings at UUCSW
UU Crafters
Every Monday evening at 6:30 in the Parlor
UU Crafters gather weekly on Monday evenings from 6:30 to 8:00 PM in the church parlor for conversation and crafting. Join us with whatever project you are currently working on whether it be knitting, crocheting, beading, quilting, needlework, etc.
All are welcome!
Please enter through the Ruggles Street door. If the door is locked when you arrive, ring the doorbell and one of us will come down to let you in!

Wednesday Afternoon Meditation
3-4pm in the Chapel
No experience is necessary! You will be guided into simple meditations which can be done sitting in a chair or on the floor. We will begin with gentle movement to make ourselves comfortable, followed by two 20-minute meditations with a break in between.
Please contact Colleen Munson with any questions. We hope to see you there!
UUCSW’s 300th Anniversary – Guided Tour at the Historical Society
Sunday, January 19 after service. Led by Kris Allen
See artifacts from the founding of Westborough and its first Meeting House in 1724. An original sermon of Reverend Ebenezer Parkman is on display, as well as the pewter Communion set and satin brocade wedding dress of Mary Parkman.
The 1844 brick Westborough Historical Society is at 13 Parkman St., past the Library. The Museum’s galleries are on the second floor, up a flight of stairs.

Game Nights!
Come join in the fun!! at UUCSW’s Intergenerational Monthly Game Night, hosted by the Membership Engagement Team (MET)
Upcoming scheduled dates: 2/1, 3/1. (All 4-6 PM)
Bring a game you’d like to share with others and a small, easy app- food item or munchie and a possibly drink to share.
All are welcome to join in a casual, fun time together!
Yoga at UUCSW
Svaroopa yoga class for all levels
FrIdays in the Chapel from 9:00-10:15am
Cost: $20/class when you sign up for the month or $25 for drop in. New to this style? Try a class for $15 to see if it is what you are looking for.
Svaroopa Yoga teaches you how to slow down and live in your body in a new way. The alignments and pace of the poses helps you access the underlying tensions that restrict the freedom of your movements.
The class will be taught by local yoga teacher Michelle Gross. Please contact the office with any questions at
Past Events
Alchemy Sound Journey with Malu Doherty
Main St. Trick or Treat
Project 2025 Informational Session
Holiday Party with Music by Kala Farnham