Community Garden Party – June 8, 2024 at 2:00 pm

The UU Congregational Society of Westborough will celebrate the dedication of their new garden on June 8 at 2 PM. The public is invited to our Community Garden Party!

The garden installation and rejuvenation is the culmination of several years of planning and two years of work by the members of the church’s Garden Committee an many others in the congregation. The garden plan includes work in the front of the church and along the Ruggles Street side.

A meditation garden was created under the large evergreen tree with a natural stone bench and a planting of various shade loving perennials. A dry river bed and rain garden were created to divert runoff from the roof away from the front walkway and toward the lawn. Opposite the meditation garden is a Turquoise Table, a concept which is influenced by Westborough Connects. This is to create a comfortable and welcoming seating area where anyone can sit and begin or join a conversation with fellow travelers on Main Street. This table joins several others which are placed around town to help encourage a connection among folks in town and to help build community. The final element in the front of the church is a redbud which was chosen by the Garden Committee from the many offerings of Westborough’s Street Tree initiative.

The festivities in the dedication will include music, speakers, a lemonade stand, and a plant sale. Please join us!