Led by Rev. Elizabeth Mount
Sometimes issues like climate change can seem too big for any single person to make a meaningful difference, but the truth is that every one of us has the potential to be life saving change bringers. Today, join Reverend Elizabeth Mount, whose bridge-climbing protest action in 2015 changed the legal landscape around arctic drilling in multiple countries and shut down a hazardous oil operation in the Chukchi Sea in its planning stages. Their experiences during this protest changed the way Rev. Mount thinks about community activism and about the power of faith and covenant to help us live and thrive on this planet.
Bio of service leader: The Rev. Elizabeth Mount (pronouns: they, them, theirs) is a member of the UUA’s Board of Trustees Unitarian Universalist Church of Cheyenne, Wyoming. As a lifelong Unitarian Universalist who grew up in the First Unitarian Society of Denver, CO, Rev. Mount has a deep understanding of both the power and pitfalls of religious organizations and a deep commitment to this religious faith and the possibility of a better world that our shared religion offers. For this reason, they have been consistently a part of local, regional, and denominational work since the 1990s, when they began serving on congregational and district committees as a Youth.
Prior to seminary studies, Rev. Mount was a community organizer with environmental and Latine community projects in Western North Carolina, the Appalachian coal fields, and the highlands of Guatemala. They currently participate in environmental justice, anti-racism, and disaster relief work within and beyond Unitarian Universalism, including with the Liberal Religious Educators Association (LREDA), the Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association (UUMA), Transgender Religious profession Unitarian Universalists Together (TRUUST), and Allies for Racial Equity (ARE).